Teaser image Katzenrettung Schlangeninsel

Take a look at the history of the island in Schwarzen More …Bilder: hurray

The small island in the Black Lake would pass through the Ukrainian defense after the Russian invasion. Now there is no news about the history of this message.

04.12.2024, 10:0104.12.2024, 12:41

Daniel Schurter

While Russia terrorizes the Ukrainian civil war and begins to attack Putin’s soldiers, the citizens and citizens of the fallen countries are under control in their time.

Der Ukrainian Military Secret Service (HUR) inform the information on the Telegram channel about an aussergewöhnliche mission. The elite soldiers could evacuate 15 “Fellknäuel” from the Schlangeninsel.

After the winter, experience the bitter bitterness of life from the rich Katzen and Kätzchen on the Island, this is es. If your security is high, you can visit one of the largest Tierheime in Ukraine.

One of the rettungsaktion auf der als Snake Island become well-known Zmiinyi Island There were software and software companies present that misunderstood messages. Here you will learn more about history.

Who loves that Operation ab?

So the Ukrainian Schlangeninsel years have begun the Russian Angriffskrieg.

So sah die Schlangeninsel Jahre for the Russian Angriffskrieg aus.Image: Wikimedia CC BY-SA 4.0

In Greek mythology, the “Insel der Glücklichen” is the military area of ​​the Schlangeninsel. The beginning of the Russian invasion in the summer of 2022 is a well-considered Berühmtheit.

Damals refuse the current Ukrainian representation, because they are extremely powerful. Ihr more proud Funkspruch “Russian warship, go fuck yourself!” read about the legend.

That small Insel in the Schwarzen Meer – with a length of 600 meters and a coast of 4 kilometers – the more symbolic Wert. Go for the unbrochened Verteidigungswillen van Ukraine. And now is a package of Geschichte Reicher.

Those who wrote to the Ukrainian Military Secret Service (HUR) via Telegram described elite soldiers on patrol who would evacuate from the island of Katzen.

The typical Rettungsaktion Wurde «Operation HUR-KIT» embarrassing. The Telegram channel shows the various photos that show the transport of the various documentaries.

Ukrainian Military Secret Service HUR evacuates Katzen from Schlangeninsel (November 2024).

Ukrainian Military Secret Service HUR evacuates Katzen from Schlangeninsel (November 2024).

Image: HUR / telegram

Not all Vierbeiners were so enthusiastic …

Katzen-Evakuierung von Schlangeninsel

Ukrainian Military Secret Service HUR evacuates Katzen from Schlangeninsel (November 2024).

Photo: HUR / watson

The Specialty, the Katzenrettung on the Schlangeninsel durchführte, is good after my Commander with the Rufzeichen Tymur. There may be special indications for the clearance of the line even in Halbinsel Crimea.

The chief of the Ukrainian military secret service waged war with the Katzen-Evakuierung. There is gold plating itself as coarser Tierfreund (see more).

Was power that Aktion so important?

Here comes death MacPaw Foundation in Spiel. That is a common organization, dying von der Ukrainian software company MacPaw gründet wurde. It takes into account its responsibility, part of the business activities and private expenses you use, making it likely that you will get it back.

The MacPaw Foundation has made the Katzen evacuation available to us through logistics Hilfe. Die Leader of the Gemeinnützigen Stiftung, Anna Manukhina, nahm personally one of the rettungsaktion part.

Anna Manukhina, MacPaw, Ukrainian software company

Anna Manukina.Image: MacPaw

Die Firmensprecherin Oleksandra Lytvynenko, a PR-Fachfrau and sister for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), spricht von gelungenen Action.

“The Rettung van de Tieren said that the world was of Solidarität and Überzeugung, that is what it is all about. Solche Aktionen have a domino effect: they inspire other zum trade and strengthen the botschaft, which takes place in the dark age of man. The Campaign has established a noticeable curiosity and policy for the Notlage van Tieren in the conflict areas.”

What would the evacuation of the tiere achieve?

In one of the large Tierheime des Landes.

“The people who do not live well, who do not have to worry about their protection, who have given their freedom.”

Oleksandra Lytvynenko

The MacPaw speaker has been informed of Russian aggression through the protection and humanitarian hoax.

“I spent the years experiencing Tierheim in the gesamten of Ukraine, while Sirius-Tierheim wurde the Russian Besetzung verwüstet.”

Oleksandra Lytvynenko, MacPaw

Oleksandra Lytvynenko.Image: MacPaw

In April 2022, after the Liberation of the Kiev Region, the Freiwillige and the Stiftung will die for the first years das Tierheim Sirius with Futter and all the notable Hilfsgütern for the Tierpflege provides hätten.

“Das Sirius-Tierheim, the largest in Ukraine, has the Russian occupation in camps with great reluctance. Über 3000 Tiere und de Mitarbeiter des Tierheims were more like a Monat lang von Nahrung, Wasser und Kommunikation abgeschnitten.»

Russian Invasoren zerschossen die Handys der Ukrainian Bevölkerung.

The Russian invasion of the Handys der Zivilbevölkerung.Image: MacPaw Foundation

Gemeinsam with the private Ukrainian Hilfs organization Come Back Alive has done everything necessary to explain the situation.

Anna Manuhina remembers:

“The workers in Tierheims were very anxious because they did not know that there was going to be war. The following tag is conveyed with ebenfalls Futter for the Tiere mit, aber dieses Mal hatten wir auch Handys, Lebensmittel und Medikamente für die Mitarbeiter des Tierheims dabei.

There are a number of schwierigkeiten, while the Beispiel zerstörte Brücken and nicht exploded mines, the war is the first team, that the Unterkunft erreichte is. We provide care for those workers who have been separated from the Besetzern im Heizungsraum, with mobile telephones and living facilities.”

Ukrainian Tierheim Sirius

Image: watson / MacPaw Foundation

Would you like to put the software company MacPaw on «unfun Hilfe»?

On on the MacPaw Foundation website heisst es, that the Organization in the Krieg “ausschliesslich nicht-tödliche Hilfe” leiste. After the Gründen are fragmented, its dissemination is promoted, as a common foundation of an IT entrepreneur concerned with “inner clarity and ethical boundaries”. It prevents you from spending money on Waffenkäufe.

“Our upbringing is a humanitarian Hilfe and the help of Resilienz (Widerstandskraft) for the company. If the Bereitstellung has a more technical problem, the problem will be solved by the Ukrainian Defender and the affected Zivilists to retten.”

Man also have other Starlink-Empfänger (Satellite-Internet), EcoFlow-Geräte (Power generators), Laptops and Tablets as well as medical help with Aderpressen, as well as Evakuierungsfahrzeuge.

«Dieser Ansatz gewährleistet, isss wir zur rettung von Menschenleben and zur Stärkung der Kapazitäten of Verteidigern and Gemeinschaften beitragen, ohne zur Breitung von Waffen beizutragen.»

Oleksandra Lytvynenko

If the MacPaw speaker takes the next step, this Swiss release will certainly be seen. This is immediately available the Stiftungs website possible. It is possible that there is a positive effect when the katzen’s messages are obtained on the social media platform. So if another person is happy, we engage ourselves.

Since February 2022, the MacPaw Foundation has only just founded the Millionen Dollar und Hilfe, a Ukrainian representative, representative and gefährdeten Bevölkerungsgruppen of unterstützen.

“If you are dealing with technical Hilfe, a medical care and security mirror is a broader Ansatz, one of the Ukrainian während and after the omfassende Russian aggression that halves, überleben and sich wieder aufzubauen.”

Bereit since the Lancierung 2018 after the IT-Unternehmen soziale Initiativen and Project, webei jeweils or Hashtag #MacPawCares was used. Wer sich für Details interessiert, wird here I am Netz fundig.

Student gründet Software company

The Ukrainian software company MacPaw was dumped by students in 2008 Oleksandr Kosovan gründet. This community affects more than 500 people in more than 30 countries. The tested product is suitable for connecting an Apple computer to the Hilfs program «CleanMyMac». You can make Mac work on the planet by purchasing one of the innovative IT systems.

Was the Secret Service Chief Buda now with the Katzen-Rettung zu tun?

The chef of the Ukrainian Military Service (HUR), Kyrylo Budanow, is gold plated as a coarser Tierfreund and is a living legend in the blessing Heimat. There is more Russian Anschläge überlebt. If you see the Kanarienvögel, zwei Katzen (Günter and Zmiy) at home, it is a tankard in Petro, an office of ex-elite soldiers in an aquarium.

Please delete: Since 2016 it is the symbol of the Ukrainian military service HUR. Zugleich ist de Fledermaus – een Beutetier der Eulen – the symbol of the Russian Sondereinheiten GRU Speznas.

Emblem of the Ukrainian Military Secret Service HUR.

Image: Wikipedia

The lateinic motto of the Ukrainian military service becomes “Sapiens Dominabitur Astris” (“Der Weise wird über die Sterne herrschen”) and is an Anspielung auf das Motto der feindlichen Russian Speznas (“Nur die Sterne sind über us”).

Während a military operation in the Charkiw region in diesem Jahr entdeckten Soldiers of the 92nd Assault Brigade (OShBr) hungry Eulen, die in a Käfig in a zerstörten Haus eingesperrt were. The bird is retrieved and placed in the secret service chief’s hut. HUR Chef Budanu decides that Tiere finds a new Zuhause in Kiewer Zoo.


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